Scooping the Poop: A Guide to Backyard Dog Waste Disposal Systems

As pet owners, we are responsible for ensuring that our furry friends are well taken care of. This includes not only providing them with food, water, and exercise, but also properly disposing of their waste. When it comes to backyard dog waste disposal, there are a few options to choose from. In this article, we will explore the benefits and drawbacks of dog waste composting, digesters, and incinerators and provide instructions on how to set up and maintain each system.

Dog Waste Composting 

Dog waste composting is a natural way to dispose of dog waste in the backyard. The process involves breaking down dog waste and other organic materials, such as yard trimmings, into a nutrient-rich soil amendment. The end result is a valuable resource that can be used to fertilize gardens and landscapes.

Benefits of Dog Waste Composting 

One of the main benefits of dog waste composting is that it is an environmentally friendly way to dispose of dog waste. By composting dog waste, we can reduce the amount of waste that ends up in landfills. Additionally, the compost created from dog waste can be used to improve soil quality and promote plant growth. Composting dog waste also reduces the amount of harmful bacteria and pathogens in the waste, making it safer for pets and humans.

How to Set Up a Dog Waste Composting System 

Setting up a dog waste composting system is relatively easy and can be done with a few simple materials. The first step is to choose a location for the compost bin. This should be a dry, shady area that is easy to access. Next, you will need to purchase or build a compost bin. Many different compost bins are available, including plastic, metal, and wooden options. Once the bin is in place, you can add dog waste and other organic materials.

Maintenance and Upkeep of a Dog Waste Composting System 

Maintaining a dog waste composting system is relatively simple. The main thing to keep in mind is ensuring that the compost pile has the right balance of moisture and air. To do this, you should turn the pile regularly to aerate it. To keep the pile moist, you can also add water or brown materials (such as leaves or straw). It is important to check the pile periodically for any signs of pests or pathogens and to remove and replace any contaminated materials.

Dog Waste Digesters 

Dog waste digesters are another option for backyard dog waste disposal. These systems use anaerobic bacteria to break down dog waste into a liquid byproduct. The liquid can then be safely disposed of in the yard or used as a fertilizer.

Benefits of Dog Waste Digesters 

One of the main benefits of dog waste digesters is that they are a convenient and efficient way to dispose of dog waste. Unlike composting, which can take several months to produce a usable soil amendment, dog waste digesters can produce a liquid byproduct in just a few days. Additionally, the liquid byproduct can be used as a fertilizer, which can save money on buying fertilizer.

How to Set Up a Dog Waste Digester 

Setting up a dog waste digester is relatively simple. The first step is to purchase a dog waste digester. Several different types of digesters are available, including in-ground and above-ground options. Next, you will need to choose a location for the digester. This should be a dry, shady area that is easy to access. Once the digester is in place, you can begin adding dog waste to it.

Maintenance and Upkeep of a Dog Waste Digester 

Maintaining a dog waste digester is relatively easy. The main thing to keep in mind is ensuring that the digester is kept at the right temperature and pH level for the anaerobic bacteria to thrive. This can be done by adding the right type of bacteria and regularly monitoring the temperature and pH level. It is also important to ensure the digester is not overfilled, as this can cause the bacteria to die off. Finally, the liquid byproduct should be regularly removed and used as fertilizer or safely disposed of in the yard.

Dog Waste Incinerators 

Dog waste incinerators are a third option for backyard dog waste disposal. These systems use heat to completely burn dog waste, reducing it to ash. The ash can then be safely disposed of in the yard.

Benefits of Dog Waste Incinerators 

One of the main benefits of dog waste incinerators is that they are a highly efficient way to dispose of dog waste. Unlike composting and digesters, which can take several days to several months to produce a usable byproduct, dog waste incinerators can burn dog waste in just a few hours. Additionally, the ash produced by the incinerator is sterile, making it safe to handle and dispose of.

How to Set Up a Dog Waste Incinerator 

Setting up a dog waste incinerator can be a bit more complex than setting up a compost bin or digester. The first step is to purchase an incinerator. Several types of incinerators are available, including electric and propane options. Next, you will need to choose a location for the incinerator. This should be a dry, shady area that is easy to access and has good ventilation. Once the incinerator is in place, you can begin burning dog waste in it.

Maintenance and Upkeep of a Dog Waste Incinerator 

Maintaining a dog waste incinerator is relatively easy. The main thing to keep in mind is ensuring that the incinerator is clean and free of debris. This can be done by regularly cleaning the ash tray and checking for any blockages in the chimney. It is also important to make sure that the incinerator is not overfilled, as this can cause the fire to go out.


Properly disposing of dog waste in the backyard is important for both pet and environmental health. There are a few options to choose from, including composting, digesters, and incinerators. Each option has its own benefits and drawbacks. The best option will depend on personal preference, budget, and environmental impact. It is important to research and carefully consider each option before making a decision. Ultimately, the goal is to keep our backyard and community clean and safe.

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